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1) Periodically check men’s wear websites to see what is new. 2) New accessories (cufflinks, ties, socks) can rejuvenate present wardrobe. 3) Shop with someone else to provide input. 4) Make sure new purchases will work with old favorites. 5) Have a haberdasher you trust. Make sure this person keeps you posted on new trends. […]
Blankets are essential items in every home. Blanket composition ranges from synthetic to natural fibers: from non-woven to woven fabrics: and from neutral colors to exotic prints. Caring for (non-electric) blankets- At some point in time most blankets will need to be cleaned. It is always best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning instructions. In […]
Starch and sizing activities can increase the firmness if fabrics, particularly on dress shirts. These additives can protect and harm shirts at the same time. Shirts undergo two types of abrasions. Flat abrasion occurs when the shirt rubs against another surface. Flex abrasion refers to the stretching of fibres when the wearer bends an elbow […]