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keeping blankets looking and feeling great

Home / Uncategorized / keeping blankets looking and feeling great

Blankets are essential items in every home. Blanket composition ranges from synthetic to natural fibers: from non-woven to woven fabrics: and from neutral  colors to exotic prints.

Caring for (non-electric) blankets- At some point in time most blankets will need to be cleaned. It is always best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning instructions. In most cases blankets should be machine washed on a gentle cycle in cold to warm water and line dried and tumble dried low.

Most blankets can also be dry cleaned.


Wool is special- Wool blankets can either be of a woven or knit fabric construction and require special precautions when cleaning. Hot water or high dying temperatures may cause wool blankets to shrink and feel harsh and stiff. Even though you may follow the recommended care instructions, some wool blankets may still experience shrinkage. Just follow the instructions and usually the blanket will turn out fine.

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